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School admission services

All academies and schools must have formal admissions arrangements that are fair, clear and objective. These need to easy for parents to understand and fully compliant with admission law, the School Admissions Code 2021 and other relevant law, such as equality and human rights law.  

Admission authority

The admission authority will vary by school, in the case of community and voluntary-controlled schools it will be the local authority, for foundation and voluntary-aided schools it’s usually the governing body, and for academies, it’ll be the Academy Trust.

The responsibilities of a school’s admission authority

The admission authority for the school is formally responsible for:

  • Determining the admission arrangements in accordance with the statutory timetable.
  • Dealing with applications and requests in accordance with the school’s admission arrangements and the Admissions Code.
  • Ensuring admission appeals are arranged and heard in accordance with the School Admission Appeals Code.

When school admission arrangements go wrong

Getting the admission arrangements for a school wrong can lead to objections to the Office of the Schools Adjudicator (OSA).  Making mistakes in the application process may lead to successful Admission Appeals which could result in schools having to admit significantly more pupils than they planned for.  

Errors in the appeals process can lead to maladministration complaints.  Procedural irregularities and incorrect or irrational decisions at any stage could result in Judicial Review proceedings against the admission authority.

What we do...

Our specialist lawyers can provide you with timely and practical advice on any issues you have relating to your admission arrangements, admission applications and requests, and admission appeals. We can support you by:

  • Reviewing and drafting admission arrangements, advising on applications and requests, challenging admission in specific circumstances, and responding to objections, directions, etc. including a comprehensive full admission training offer.
  • Advising on admission appeals, reviewing prejudice statements, providing a clerking service, and delivering training to admission appeal panel members and clerks.
  • Admissions training for governing boards, headteachers and admission officers.

Featured experience

Collaborative approach to the administration of admission appeals

Working with five academies to help them establish a consortium for the administration of their admission appeals to help them move away having to use their local authority’s outsourced service.

Objection to the Office of the Schools Adjudicator (OSA)

Supporting an academy following an objection to its determined admission arrangements lodged with the OSA.  Advising on the merits of the objection and preparing the academy’s formal response.

Variation of admission arrangements

Advising an academy on a proposed change to its admission criteria, including drafting the proposed changes and advising on process.

Fair Access Protocol

Successfully challenging a local authority’s approach to placements under its Fair Access Protocol.

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