The Children’s Wellbeing and Schools Bill was introduced in the House of Commons just before Christmas and is now making its way through Parliament.
It’s the new government’s first major piece of legislation relating to schools and it also covers children’s social care, partly building on the previous government’s social care reform strategy.
What schools need to know
Following our initial comments on the announcement of the Bill we’ve delved deeper and produced this series of briefings.
We can now provide you with more detailed analysis on key parts of the Bill which impact schools, with the aim of explaining the proposed new law, the potential practical implications and identifying where further information, thought and guidance will be needed.
Links to commentary on specific areas of the Bill are below and we’ll update this page to reflect new developments as they emerge:
Coming soon:
- Attendance and children not in school.
- Breakfast clubs.
- School uniform.
- Independent educational institutions.
- New schools.
- Safeguarding.
- Teacher misconduct.
- Teacher pay and conditions.
We’re here to support you and we’ll provide further advise as these proposed laws to “remove barriers to opportunity in schools and improve the education system” are debated and as we gain further clarity on the practical implications for schools and trusts.
Content available now
Key contacts
Nick MacKenzie
+44 (0)121 237 4564