Commenting on the publication of Ofsted’s new school inspection handbook, Katie Michelon, Partner at Browne Jacobson specialising in Ofsted inspections, said: “With significant public conversation surrounding the removal of single-phrase overall judgements, there may be some confusion amongst parents and school communities regarding the continuation, for now, of single-phrase judgements for the key judgement areas in the inspection framework.
“Given that we are still at least a year away from report cards and the complete eradication of such judgements, there’s a danger that, in this ‘halfway house’, more attention is paid to weaker judgements in individual judgement areas, regardless of whether or not this leads to intervention steps by the Department for Education.
“Therefore, it’s arguably more important than ever that schools proactively engage with their stakeholders, provide information and context regarding performance in different areas, explain steps being taken to address any accepted areas of weakness, and highlight those areas where they are excelling.
“By driving a more nuanced and sophisticated dialogue around inspection outcomes at this juncture, schools can facilitate the further changes ahead.”
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