The Autumn term’s School Leaders Survey is now open, and we’re inviting the leaders of the nation's schools and academies to share their views. Our focus area this edition is a deeper dive into Ofsted inspections. We would like to hear your views on these important issues for the sector.
The results from last term were really interesting, sharing a range of views on key policy issues and priorities. We’re keen to build on that to see how things have changed for the new academic year and to explore emerging areas of challenge.
Tell us what you really think
Once again, the survey is open to school leaders and trustees/governors and it’s totally anonymous, so it’s an opportunity for you to tell us what you really think.
Throughout the updates we’ve made, we’ve kept the survey tightly focused and easy to respond to, so it’ll still take you less than ten minutes to complete.
We’ll report the findings and share the insights with you during November, which we hope will help inform your thinking, as well as enabling you and us to influence policy and identify priority areas for closer sector collaboration.
Key contact

Nick MacKenzie
+44 (0)121 237 4564