Helen Badger
+44 (0)121 237 4554
Helen specialises in employment within health, social care and education. She advises on a wide range of HR and employment matters, including disciplinary and grievance issues in the workplace, TUPE, equal pay, workforce change, discrimination and variation of terms and conditions of employment.
Featured experience
Employment law issues
Providing helpline advice on day to day employment law issues to numerous health sector clients including acute trusts, foundation trusts, ambulance trusts, CCGs and independent health care providers.
Membership of professional bodies
Providing advice and guidance to health sector clients on issues relating to employees’ membership of professional bodies including the GMC, NMC and HCPC.
Public and private sector bodies
Representing public and private sector bodies in all types of claims in the employment tribunal, including unfair dismissal, redundancy, and claims under the Equality Act 2010.
Representing clients in the health sector on matters including TUPE, disciplinary proceedings, equal pay and interpretation and implementation of Agenda for Change terms and conditions.
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