Waste is something we all have to deal with. Our local authorities collect and dispose of household (and some commercial waste), whilst most of commerce and industry pays the market to take away the waste it produces. At Browne Jacobson we’re proud to be a connector between contract services and both private and public sectors regarding waste.
Waste is something we notice when the system for its disposal breaks down. We depend nationally upon a matrix of contractual and in house arrangements for the management of waste and recycling services. We are a leading supplier of specialist waste contract services to the public and private sectors to ensure this matrix does not fail.
We bring our sector expertise to the procurement of these waste contracts, working with leading technical and financial advisers in supporting our clients with this vital service.
In addition we advise regularly upon the planning and regulatory aspects of waste provision as well as dealing with specialist property matters in the sale and lease of operational waste facilities.
Featured experience
A government body
Assisting the Derby City and Derbyshire County Councils in the letting of contracts for the disposal and transfer of waste and the management of household waste recycling centres.
A financial investment company
Advised First Sentier Investors on their acquisition of SSE’s stake in the Multifuel Energy from Waste joint venture and their subsequent acquisition of Wheelabrator’s UK operations.
A local authority
Working with Peterborough and Cambridgeshire local authorities in relation to their Recycling contracts.
A local authority
Helping the Western Riverside Waste Authority lobby Parliament with regard to the Environment Bill.
Key contacts

Michael Mousdale

Paul Hill

Craig Elder

Richard Barlow

Helen Simm