In recent years, our technology and flexible working strategies have driven an agile and remote working culture. Our Instant In-house service for health provides access to a team of dedicated lawyers fully set up to work remotely to support you and become a virtual extension of your existing in-house team. Instant In-house is a flexible model, tailored to meet your current requirements. We provide a straightforward package based on what you need, giving you certainty on fees and allowing you to budget your legal spend for the financial year.
Our Instant In-house service offers support for NHS Trusts and independent providers, indemnifiers and insurers on a range of issues, including advice on queries encountered in-house; support with continuing healthcare or governance aspects of decision-making; support during inquiries and investigations; additional capacity to respond to patient recall exercises; support with claims, inquests and complaints; and HR/employment matters. With over 400 legal experts across our wider firm, our Instant In-house service can provide you with access to extensive legal knowledge backed by healthcare expertise.
We can offer a dedicated resource at any level from paralegal to partner to cover a range of tasks, ensuring the smooth running of your legal services department. The experience of our staff ranges from the day-to-day running of a caseload, to acting as Head of Legal, working across a wide variety of healthcare providers, indemnifiers and insurers.
Featured experience
South Western Ambulance Service NHS Foundation Trust
Providing secondment support, primarily with inquest work.
United Lincolnshire Hospitals NHS Trust
Supporting the Claims Team with investigating claims.
Related expertise
Key contacts

Amanda Callaghan
[your secondee] “is fabulous and has been a godsend for us … It is a shame we can't keep her on!”
“… has been like a breath of fresh air, she is so positive and is clearly committed to supporting and working with the team to cover this service. The staff in the team speak so highly of her and her work ethic … I have found her ‘can do’ attitude a godsend.”
“All of the staff who were seconded to us during this period from your firm have been a credit both to your firm and to the profession …”
“… an excellent secondment service … specifically tailored to suit our needs. We have been very impressed by the calibre of secondee and the back up support which includes easy access to the wider Browne Jacobson team, active supervision and frequent check-in meetings with the secondee and Trust to monitor progress.”