Amanda Callaghan
+44 (0)330 045 2100
Amanda joined Browne Jacobson in 2013 to start the Health and Clinical Negligence team in our Manchester office.
Amanda specialises in clinical negligence claims and complaints, risk management, confidentiality and disclosure of medical records, consent to treatment issues and inquests.
Amanda is head of the Browne Jacobson Manchester office.
Featured experience
BMA medico-legal conference
Invited speaker at BMA’s medico-legal conference on ‘Medico-legal practice: Addressing key issues for doctors as expert witnesses’.
Elderly Care Conference
Leading a national Elderly Care Conference attracting high-profile speakers and delegates in the public and independent health and social care sectors on the issues arising from the ageing population.
Local Authority and NHS organisations
Organising and leading a free quarterly forum in Lancashire for Leads in the North West region’s Local Authority and NHS organisations to cover Safeguarding/Mental Capacity Act/Deprivation of Liberty issues.
Seconded for eight months to the MPS as a Senior Claims Manager.
Amanda Callaghan is extremely knowledgeable, adaptable, diplomatic, professional and she is a great team player. I am proud to work alongside Amanda and I would recommend her to anyone looking for delivery of sound legal services.