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At Browne Jacobson we understand the unique challenges and opportunities faced by IT service providers (often referred to as managed service providers or MSPs) Our team has expertise not only in technology law but in areas critical to these businesses like cybersecurity, data privacy, contractual agreements and compliance with domestic and international regulations.

AI creates new legal and regulatory risks for IT service providers and their customers. We can help put a governance framework in place to protect against those risks - from ensuring that you’re asking the right questions of AI suppliers, through to managing AI assets and data flows within organisations, providing policies and training to help MSPs to get their customers up to speed. We help you take control of the legal risks of AI.

We have partnered with a range of IT service providers - from startups in need of legal frameworks to established leaders seeking to innovate and expand. Our clients trust us to provide solutions that are not just legally sound but also allow them to expand their reach.

What we do

We help IT service providers navigate supply agreements ensuring clarity, enforceability, and compliance. Our expertise covers MSAs and SLAs, client contracts, and vendor agreements tailored to protect your assets and mitigate risks.

Contractual negotiations

In a sector where data is as valuable as the services offered and trust is essential, we can ensure that your services are provided in line with the data protection legislation. We provide proactive solutions to safeguard sensitive information and strategies to respond to data breaches effectively.

Cybersecurity and data privacy

Keeping up with EU and UK regulatory changes can be daunting, but your customers will expect it. We specialise in IT sector regulations, helping you adapt to new laws and maintain compliance without disrupting your service delivery.

Regulatory compliance

Protect your proprietary technology with our intellectual property services, from copyright and trademark advice to defending against IP infringement claims.

Intellectual property

Our corporate tech team advises MSP founders, management teams, companies, and investors across the entire lifecycle of these businesses, from initial funding rounds, venture capital and corporate venture capital, through to M&A, private equity buyouts and equity capital markets transactions. Working in collaboration with specialists across our technology team, our corporate team supports IT service providers, allowing them to capitalize on growth and expansion opportunities and to successfully conclude strategically important transactions.

Corporate transactions

We help IT service providers navigate supply agreements ensuring clarity, enforceability, and compliance. Our expertise covers MSAs and SLAs, client contracts, and vendor agreements tailored to protect your assets and mitigate risks.

Contractual negotiations

In a sector where data is as valuable as the services offered and trust is essential, we can ensure that your services are provided in line with the data protection legislation. We provide proactive solutions to safeguard sensitive information and strategies to respond to data breaches effectively.

Cybersecurity and data privacy

Keeping up with EU and UK regulatory changes can be daunting, but your customers will expect it. We specialise in IT sector regulations, helping you adapt to new laws and maintain compliance without disrupting your service delivery.

Regulatory compliance

Protect your proprietary technology with our intellectual property services, from copyright and trademark advice to defending against IP infringement claims.

Intellectual property

Our corporate tech team advises MSP founders, management teams, companies, and investors across the entire lifecycle of these businesses, from initial funding rounds, venture capital and corporate venture capital, through to M&A, private equity buyouts and equity capital markets transactions. Working in collaboration with specialists across our technology team, our corporate team supports IT service providers, allowing them to capitalize on growth and expansion opportunities and to successfully conclude strategically important transactions.

Corporate transactions

Featured experience

Data Breach Response

Successfully guided an IT service provider through a data breach incident resulting from an employee leaving the business. We kept information confidential, reduced legal and reputational risk.

MSP Contractual dispute

Worked with an MSP to obtain payment in a contractual claim involving multiple parties across different jurisdictions.

Helping an MSP Scale

We assisted a mid-sized MSP to get robust agreements in place and to save time and cost in negotiations with simple and effective client and vendor agreements.


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