Exclusions training for senior leaders and governing boards
This school exclusions training session focuses on all you need to know about the exclusions framework for trusts and schools.
Our specialist education lawyers will take you step by step through the process of both the disciplinary committee stage and the independent review panel (IRP) stage, ensuring that governors, senior leaders and/or IRP members understand and are compliant with the law and guidance surrounding exclusions.
This is particularly important given that the statutory guidance on school exclusions emphasises the importance of the role of governors both in reviewing the headteacher’s decision and at IRP hearings.
The training is suitable for trustees, governors, senior leaders of any trust (maintained or academy) or school. We also provide training to prospective IRP members (who must be trained within the last two years before sitting on a panel) and can deliver sessions on behalf of local authorities.
Register nowWhat our school exclusions training includes
- Outline of the statutory guidance which came into force in August 2024
- Exploration of key documents
- Disciplinary penalties and alternatives to exclusion
- Unofficial exclusions
- Equality and SEN considerations
- Exclusions - grounds and types
- Exclusions process with case studies
- headteacher/principal’s decision to exclude
- governing board review
- IRP decisions
- Reconsideration
- Disability and exclusions
- Questions
The training is comprehensive and interactive and by the end we expect the attendees to feel confident when it comes to making and reviewing suspension and exclusion decisions and in attending an IRP. Following the school exclusions training, governors will also be able to sit on an IRP (for another school) should they so wish.
The school exclusions training lasts for two hours with costs fixed at £950 plus VAT for a remote session. Please get in touch if you’d like to explore options for in-person training. Our charges will reflect the time spent at our hourly rates (available upon request), plus VAT and disbursements.
Would you like to find out more?
We’re happy to chat through your requirements.
Registration form
Key contacts
Victoria Hatton
Senior Associate

Philip Wood
Senior Associate

Hayley O'Sullivan
Senior Associate