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Ranette Prime

Senior Associate


+44 (0)330 045 2919


Ranette is a senior associate in the healthcare and advisory team (HAL). With a master’s degree in Health Law, her remit includes the Court of Protection, complex medical treatment cases, mental health and adult safeguarding.  

Ranette’s career has spanned a variety of sectors and organisations, in addition to working for over 10 years as a local authority lawyer, she established a community advocacy service for mental health charity MIND, represented forensic mental health patients before First Tier Tribunals and as a visiting professional her field research contributed to reports produced by the Equal Justice Initiative (US).     

Ranette has seen life from both sides of the fence, clients value her insight and advice as well as calm and approachable nature. Renette’s client’s include NHS Trusts, Integrated Care Boards (ICBs), Local Authorities and independent housing associations.  

Ranette has spoken at forums and provided training on legal developments such as the Liberty Protection Safeguards and Mental Health law. Ranette is passionate about social mobility, volunteering with organisations that support vulnerable social groups. She continues to mentor students and newly qualified legal professionals in need of career guidance and opportunities. 


Capacity, pregnancy, risk

An expectant mother described as severely agoraphobic. The medical team responsible for her considered the risks to her and baby were too high if a home birth did not go to plan. Guided the Trust through the legal process to authorise a treatment plan for her. 

Deprivation of Liberty with continuing health care

Guided the ICB through the COP process to authorise the DoLS where the care arrangements and physical health conditions were considered complex by the court. 

ICB Commissioning Disputes

Advised and supported the ICB in the midst of a commissioning and funding dispute running parallel to court of protection proceedings relating to future residence and care of a hospital patient.  

Restricted Patients and Conditional Discharge

Represented the local authority social worker at the First Tier Tribunal concerning a learning disability patient on a restricted section being considered for conditional discharge. Worked with team to produce evidence set. 
