Your health team up close… Ed Pollard
We shine a spot light on two of newly promoted Health Partners to find out a bit more about the work they do, what they enjoy and which mystery has them baffled...! Read on to hear from Ed Pollard a Partner in our Health Advisory & Litigation team who works out of our Manchester office.
In this edition of Health & Care Matters we decided to shine a spot light on two of newly promoted Health Partners to find out a bit more about the work they do, what they enjoy and which mystery has them baffled... we lawyers don’t know everything. Read on to hear from Ed Pollard a Partner in our Health Advisory & Litigation team who works out of our Manchester office.
Ed Pollard – Partner, Health Advisory & Litigation
Our question: Which area of law do you specialise in?
Ed's response: I specialise in health advisory (which includes mental health, mental capacity, fitness to practise and generally weird and wonderful enquiries) and inquests.
Our question: In five words describe the work you do?
Ed's response: Answering complex patient facing queries
Our question: What has been your career highlight to date?
Ed's response: I represented an individual doctor (at my previous firm) at the Supreme Court which was a very interesting experience but seeing as we lost, I won’t say it is my highlight! I think helping to build the healthcare team in Manchester leading to promotion to partner is the thing I am most proud of.
Our question: Tell us something about yourself other probably don’t know.
Ed's response: I’m not actually bald, I just wear a fake scalp to disarm people.
Our question: What could you give a 40-minute presentation on with absolutely no preparation?
Ed's response: How to make a good medical record OR how to appear as a witness at court.
Our question: What’s the best way to start the day?
Ed's response: A coffee and a comfortable chair in a warm room (I’m only 36)
Our question: What mystery do you wish you knew the answer to?
Ed's response: Who really killed Hae Min Lee?
Our question: Did you always want to be a lawyer?...
Ed's response: Spent my youth wanting to be a stuntman (until about 10 years old), then a footballer (until I realised I wasn’t going to make it at about 14). Decided to do law at Uni under encouragement from parents – turned out to be a very good decision!