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Pathways to devolution

The Levelling up White Paper establishes a new three-tier framework for devolution, with the offer of devolution for any area of England that wants it. Alongside the framework is a promise of greater autonomy and improved funding arrangements for those areas willing to go furthest with their devolution deals.

06 May 2022

This online event took place on 05 May 2022 and is now available on-demand. The content in this recording was correct as of the original webinar date.

The Levelling up White Paper establishes a new three-tier framework for devolution, with the offer of devolution for any area of England that wants it. Alongside the framework is a promise of greater autonomy and improved funding arrangements for those areas willing to go furthest with their devolution deals. While reorganisation is not mandated, those prepared to reorganise could reap significant benefits.

As in other national change initiatives, the framework leaves it to local decision makers to determine what will work for their places and regions. This means that the onus is now on local government leaders and their teams to explore the ‘right’ option for their area, and to engage with other authorities, organisations and communities in their areas and regions to shape their future arrangements.

In this session:

  • look at how the rules are changing, and the opportunities and challenges these changes present;
  • consider how these can effectively be explored within your organisation, and with your partners, in order to develop a strategy which best meets your organisational goals and delivers the outcomes you want; and
  • review the route-map to get you to your chosen destination, and the steps you can take now, regardless of your progress to date.

Pathways to Devolution


James Arrowsmith

James Arrowsmith


James Arrowsmith specialises in high value personal injury, including head and spinal injury, and insurance coverage, including interpretation, non-disclosure breach of terms and motor insurance law.

+44 (0) 330 045 2321

Anja Beriro

Anja Beriro


Anja is a partner in Browne Jacobson’s government and infrastructure team and is a trusted advisor to numerous public sector clients. Anja is recognised for her experience in public procurement (litigious and non-litigious), outsourcing arrangements, complex governance structures, alternative service delivery models, and joint working between health and local government.

+44 (0)115 976 6589

Bridget Tatham

Bridget Tatham


Bridget leads the insurance injury team in Birmingham and is the firm’s co-chair of the D&I Committee and executive sponsor for Race. Highly regarded in the insurance market, Bridget supports health, local government, and commercial clients defend and find effective solutions to catastrophic and complex injury claims, including elder abuse, brain injury, asbestos-related diseases, and fatal accidents. Bridget’s advisory work connects clients to our regulatory and commercial practices.

+44 (0)121 237 3916



James Arrowsmith


+44 (0) 330 045 2321

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