Jan Cumming
Legal Director
+44 (0)330 045 2189
Jan is a public sector commercial and governance lawyer in Browne Jacobson’s Birmingham office. Jan specialises in public procurement (litigious and non-litigious), commercialisation (including trading powers, joint ventures, and Teckal companies), and governance (including governance of local authority trading companies and shared services).
Jan helps public sector clients achieve their commercial goals in an efficient, legally-compliant way with the right governance and minimising the risk of challenge. Prior to joining Browne Jacobson, Jan’s extensive experience included leading the commercial and contracts team in-house at a County Council where she held a complex case-load of high value commercial contracts and procurements (including procurement challenges). Having worked in the public sector, Jan understands the challenges facing the public sector and is aware of the wider issues that will impact a project and its delivery. Jan advises on procurement (including disputes), contract management and poor supplier performance, outsourcing (including the commercial contract, LGPS admissions and exits), shared services and delegation of functions, collaborative procurement, local authority trading companies, joint ventures, and lawful decision-making. Jan has supported the public sector on the commercial contracts for leisure, traffic, waste and hosted services, and with academy commercial transfer agreements.
Jan has also advised both the New Zealand government and Australian Commonwealth Government on administrative decision-making and governance.