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Helen E Gibbons

Senior Associate


+44 (0)115 934 2060


Helen is a senior associate in our insurance and public risk department. She is instructed by insurer clients to defend claims relating to personal injury, data protection, human rights issues, professional negligence and discrimination. Thus, she has a very varied caseload and a wide range of expertise.  


Featured experience

Advising on a discrimination claim

Advising a well-known university on a complex discrimination claim brought by a litigant in person with a history of Civil Restraint Orders against him. 

Data protection

Advising a large charity on data protection issues. 

Equality Act 2010

Advising local authorities, NHS Trusts and educational organisations on a wide range of claims pursued under Equality Act 2010. 

Mental Capacity Act

General healthcare advisory matters on the Mental Capacity Act.