Shining a light: Practical tips around Chinese buyers investing in UK property
This webinar took place on the 13th October and is now available 'on-demand'.
China and UK trade and investment is in a challenging period due to recent global events and politics.
In these uncertain times, clarity is what people seek. That is why we are “Shining a Light” and providing some practical training as regards property ownership and tax in the UK. We will also have a market update from one of the experts, and a measured view from the Chinese side, a lawyer based in Shanghai.
Join us for a Webinar co-presented by Birmingham China Business Forum and hosted by Browne Jacobson with the following speakers:
- Zo Hoida, President of BCBF and Real Estate Partner at Browne Jacobson – Chair
- Pavanjeet Kaur, Property Lawyer at Browne Jacobson and Rebecca Hawkins, Tax Lawyer at Browne Jacobson – Registration of ownership in the UK and changes for foreign investors/recent updates in the property tax regime
- Monique Royle, Divisional director at Fleurets – Market Update
- David Zou, Partner at Grandway Law - "Shifting Mindset and its Impact on Chinese Outbound Investment in UK Property
If you can't make the live session but would like to receive a copy of the on-demand recording, we would encourage you to still register for the event. This will ensure you receive a link to the recording as soon as it is available. Alternatively a link to the webinar will be shared on our website and LinkedIn page in due course.

Rebecca Burge
Senior Associate
+44 (0)330 045 2446

Zo Hoida
Specialises in development work particularly in the government sector including high profile regeneration projects for local and central government, and with Chinese investors and developers.
+44 (0)330 045 2551

Pavanjeet Kaur Bhogal
Senior Associate
+44 (0)330 045 2227