Poole Borough Council -v- GN [2019] UKSC 25 – What does this mean for my organisation?
Six months on from the Supreme Court decision in the Poole Borough Council -v- GN case we look at emerging behaviours in response to this key decision, and its impact on agencies involved in child protection, including health, police, social care and education.
Six months on from the Supreme Court decision in the Poole Borough Council -v- GN case we look at emerging behaviours in response to this key decision, and its impact on agencies involved in child protection, including health, police, social care and education.
There was a period of some silence, whilst the legal community, and in particular claimant lawyers digested the decision, and mulled over its impact. Very learned personal injury lawyers, and human rights law practitioners have considered the decision, and we expect that most of our local authority clients will have seen claimant’s solicitors re-galvanise in the last few weeks.
In this webinar, James Arrowsmith and Sarah Erwin-Jones, consider the immediate short-term practical impact on that decision for you and your organisation. They look at the consequences of the involvement of the Official Solicitor representing children that are often still in local authority care, and consider the medium to long-term impact.
The webinar assists organisations with a safeguarding role in deploying their resources, understanding key issues for them and their employees. It helps brokers and insurers in identification of risk and development of claims strategies. Crucially assists delegates in determining whether they have the need and appetite to be involved in one of the inevitable test cases that will be heard over the next few years.
James Arrowsmith
James Arrowsmith specialises in high value personal injury, including head and spinal injury, and insurance coverage, including interpretation, non-disclosure breach of terms and motor insurance law.
+44 (0) 330 045 2321
Sarah Erwin-Jones
Sarah specialises in social services, the care sector and legal costs along with education.
+44 (0)115 976 6136
Sarah Erwin-Jones
+44 (0)115 976 6136