Welcome to the October 2023 edition of ‘Perils’, a digest of cases, news and information specifically for those working in the property insurance claims sector.
In this edition we look at: emerging insurance issues arising from the use of RAAC, subrogation against co-insureds, ‘accidental trespass’, oil spills, incorrectly named insureds, and recent decisions from Australia concerning a ‘hot works’ exclusion and a ‘contract works’ exclusion.
As ever, if you would like to discuss any of the matters below, or have any ad hoc queries, don’t hesitate to get in touch with our property insurance claims team.
Where to find us
Over the next few weeks we will be attending the following events if you would like to catch up with us:
- 8 November 2023 – Harmonie Group Conference, London
- Insurance considerations following use of RAAC concrete
- Underlying contracts remain key in arguments over scope of co-insurance
- Recklessness not ‘accidental’ when it comes to trespass
- Property damage oil spills, reliance and duties of delivery drivers
- The Supreme Court considers limitation in environmental nuisance claims
- Incorrectly named insured policy dispute - was the broker or insurer liable?
- Australian Court of Appeal considers welding exclusion
- Contractors' liability and contract works exclusion
- FOS: complaints involving damage to underground pipes

Jonathan Newbold
+44 (0)115 976 6581