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How should academy trusts be preparing for procurement reform?

16 July 2024
ON24 webinar

When schools return in September there’ll be less than two months to get everything in order for the Procurement Act 2023 going live on 28 October 2024. The new act brings significant reform, so the sooner you prepare, the better. That’s where we can help.

Who should attend?

Everybody involved in, or accountable for procuring goods and services for schools and trusts needs to be aware of, and well prepared for these changes.

What we'll cover

During this session we’ll explain the changes and take you through the practical steps you need to take for your school or trust in readiness, including changes to your documents, planning for new procurement, and getting the proper sign-off of changes to policies and procedures.

How to get involved

The webinar is free to attend, open to all and will be presented by our expert procurement and school governance lawyers. As always, we’ll focus on practical guidance and provide the opportunity to ask questions and find out more about what it means for you and your organisation.

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Our speakers

Our speakers

Anja Beriro


+44 (0)115 976 6589

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Can we help you? Contact Anja

Helen Cairns

Legal Director

+44 (0)330 045 2636

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Can we help you? Contact Helen

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