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GP contracts: updated expectations and contracting issues

On 9 July NHS England and NHS Improvement issued a letter to primary medical contractors and commissioners updating them on service expectations and contracting issues.

14 July 2020

Please note: the information contained in this legal update is correct as of the original date of publication

On 9 July NHS England and NHS Improvement issued a letter to primary medical contractors and commissioners updating them on service expectations and contracting issues.

The 11-page letter addresses many important areas, some of which are highlighted below:

  • the approach to the resumption of services paused during the height of Covid-19, and the need to sustain transformations in ways of working;
  • encouragement to access Primary Care Network Directed Enhanced Service (PCN DES) workforce funding, and for systems to implement GP recruitment and retention initiatives;
  • a “Bureaucracy Review” of general practice, looking at freeing-up time for patient care;
  • changes in the 20/21 QOF arrangements to reflect revised priorities due to Covid-19;
  • potential flexibilities in the event of local Covid-19 outbreaks;
  • updates on income protection arrangements;
  • plans to issue further details on the Covid Support Fund.

The full text of the letter can be found here, the primary care guidance is available here.

If you would like to discuss how this letter might affect your PCN, or the services you commission, please contact Jonathan Hayden.



Mark Hickson

Head of Business Development

+44 (0)370 270 6000

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