Back to School - preparing for the reopening of schools in September
This webinar took place on Monday 29th June 2020 and is now available on-demand. The content in this recording was correct as of the original webinar date.
Schools in England were closed other than to the children of key workers and children who are classified as vulnerable from 20th March as part of the management of the coronavirus pandemic.
As part of the relaxation of lockdown measures many primary schools in England began a phased reopening for pupils in Reception, Year 1 and Year 6 from 1st June and secondary schools have started to provide some time in school for Years 10 and 12 pupils from 15th June.
However, while the government has said primary schools could welcome back additional pupils this term where there is considered to be capacity to do so, the government’s original ambition for all primary school children to return to school before the summer for a month has now been abandoned and the Secretary of State for Education has said that the government is now “working to bring all children back to school in September”.
Our sspeakers discussed the key legal and HR issues facing schools planning for reopening in September and we shared the lessons learned from our extensive working with clients in relation to the phased reopening of schools to date.
In particular, this webinar focused on the most important considerations around:
- health and safety in school
- employer obligations and leadership support
- parental expectations and concerns

Mark Blois
+44 (0)115 976 6087

Emma Hughes
Emma is the Head of HR Services and manages the team responsible for providing HR consultancy services to a range of clients across multiple sectors.
+44 (0)330 045 2338
Stephanie McGarry
Stephanie specialises in regulatory law with a particular focus on the issues affecting the education sector. Stephanie advises on policy drafting ranging from consumer protection to mental health and wellbeing.
+44(0)115 908 4113