Staffing matters – guidance and FAQs for the full opening of schools in September
This guidance aims to assist school leaders to navigate the people challenges that may come with the full opening of schools in September.
This guidance has been co-written by Emma Hughes, Head of HR Services at Browne Jacobson and Mandy Coalter, Founder of Talent Architects.
It draws on the experience and practice of working with many schools preparing for full opening in September 2020.
More than anything, September is going to be a time for creative thinking and flexibility. School leaders will expect staff to flex their duties and possible working hours and in return staff should be able to expect a certain degree of flexibility back in return. It’s going to be a time of working together to solve problems in order that pupils can return, that educational provision can be delivered with little to no compromise and more than anything, staff and pupils are safe and cared for.
Added to that, school leaders need to build trust by becoming excellent consultative communicators. Never before have school leaders needed to balance the absolute need to deliver high-quality education onsite and remotely with the resource challenges that can come with a pandemic.
The spring and summer terms have been extremely challenging so it is important that governors and trustees are looking out for their school leaders, ensuring that a break is planned in over the summer. Some school leaders will need to be encouraged to do this when the temptation is to keep on planning for September. Furthermore, school leaders should encourage their staff to take a break too.
This paper aims to assist school leaders to navigate the people challenges that may come with the full opening of schools in September.
We strongly recommend that you read the Government guidance and information provided. Please do not hesitate to contact us with any queries that arise following further Government announcements.
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Emma Hughes
+44 (0)330 045 2338