High Court issues injunction to LGBT teaching protestors
The High Court yesterday handed down its judgement in relation to an application for an injunction by Birmingham City Council, preventing protests in the vicinity outside of the Anderton Park School.
The High Court yesterday handed down its judgement in relation to an application for an injunction by Birmingham City Council, preventing protests in the vicinity outside of the Anderton Park School. The school had previously been subject to a number of weeks of protest due to its curriculum that includes occasional references to LGBT themes. Ultimately the High Court granted the permanent injunction and dismissed the protestors’ claims about discrimination and breach of human rights. The Court did not continue the element of the interim injunction that covered social media.
This judgement will be of assistance to other schools that have previously suffered similar protests because of actual or perceived curriculum teaching. Whilst this decision was based on the facts of the case, including what was being taught and the actions by some of the protestors, some of the comments by Mr Justice Warby are helpful to other schools teaching similar curriculums. He concluded that “The matters that have actually been taught are limited, and lawful.”
Since the protests in Birmingham at the beginning of this year, we have advised a number of schools on issues of a similar nature, varying in seriousness. Whilst every curriculum that is being taught will be judged on its own merits, it is undoubtedly also useful that he found claims from the protestors that the teaching amounted to ‘indoctrination’ to be false.

Philip Wood
Senior Associate
+44 (0)330 045 2274