Schools considering converting to academy status by joining or establishing a multi-academy trust should be aware of the latest eligibility criteria for the £25,000 academy conversion support grant, offered by the Department for Education (DfE).
From 1 September 2024, the terms and conditions for the grant will be updated. It will continue to be paid only to schools approved to join or form a trust as part of a group of three or more schools.
Special and alternative provision schools (also known as pupil referral units, or PRUs) will continue to be eligible to receive it as part of a single-school conversion process.
If you’ve not already started your conversion application and would like it to be considered under the current eligibility criteria, you must register your interest by 26 April 2024 and submit your application by 7 June 2024.
A regional director must have approved it by 1 September 2024 to allow you to receive your grant. The actual date of conversion can be confirmed later.
The new grant criteria is not dependent on the size of the existing multi-academy trust. It’s dependent on an application being considered by the regional director by a school in a group with at least two other schools to join a multi-academy trust at the same time.
The rationale for this is that the DfE want to support trusts to think strategically about growth opportunities, working with sustainable groups of schools to drive improvement and build resilient organisations.
Further information on this changes is available on the DfE website and further support and resources to help you with the academy conversion process are available here.
Key contact

Lydia Michaelson-Yeates
Legal Director
+44 (0)121 237 3986