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Browne Jacobson raises vital funds for Nottingham’s free legal service providers

Browne Jacobson has raised nearly £600 for local advice services after members of its legal and support teams took part in this year’s Legal Walk in Nottingham.

27 September 2021

Browne Jacobson has raised nearly £600 for local advice services after members of its legal and support teams took part in this year’s Legal Walk in Nottingham.

The Nottingham Legal Walk which is organised by The Midland Legal Support Trust is a sponsored 10km walk around Nottingham City which aims to support the region’s vital free legal advice centres which have recently experienced funding cuts in wake of the Pandemic.

The advice centres provide support to the local Nottingham community which includes:

  • preventing families being made homeless;
  • preventing destitution;
  • helping older people gain the support to which they are entitled; and
  • helping women and children who have been trafficked for domestic servitude or prostitution.

Associate Mia Plume who helped to organise the firm’s involvement said:

“Browne Jacobson is very passionate about the communities it operates in and strives to partner with local organisations and causes that are pushing for positive change so we are very proud to be taking part in this year’s Nottingham Legal Walk.

“Government and local authority funding has been stripped back significantly over the last few years which has had a major impact on these really worthy causes and has meant that many people in the local community who need it most have been unable to get the help and support they need but we hope this key local event will support and highlight the fantastic work that these important legal agencies do.”

Every two years, each of Browne Jacobson’s offices partners with a local charity to support in their area through various fundraising initiatives. The firm also makes regular donations to local charities and causes through its Browne Jacobson Charitable Trust. In the financial year 2020 - 21, the firm raised and donated over £42,000 for good causes across its five-office network.

You can make further donations here:



Henrietta Scott

Head of Marketing

+44 (0)330 045 2299

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