Bettina Rigg
+44 (0)330 045 2268
Bettina is the head of our higher education sector. Recognised as a leading expert on advising higher education institutions by Chambers and Partners for several consecutive years, Bettina advises on a variety of higher education matters, including employment, regulatory and student matters.
Having been a member of the Council of the University of Exeter for nine years (where she was the dual assurance lay lead for HR and Equality, Diversity and Inclusion and worked closely with the teams involved in obtaining accreditation with Athena Swan and the HE equality charters), she has a deep understanding of the issues facing the higher education sector and the role of governance. She also works closely with sector associations to help their members to engage with topical legal issues.
Bettina advises clients on operational and strategic issues relating to staff and students and regulatory matters concerning the Office for Students. She has developed a specialism in Equality Act issues. She has spent time on secondment to university in-house legal teams. Bettina is an ADR Group accredited mediator and has mediated a wide range of employment and education matters.
Featured experience
A university
Working with the in-house legal team on a student complaint of disability discrimination – providing key advice on the internal student complaints process and subsequent appeal by the student to the Office of the Independent Adjudicator (OIA).
A chartered university
Supporting the disciplinary panel of a chartered university on a student disciplinary matter of alleged sexual misconduct – providing pre-hearing briefing and advice throughout the hearing.
A chartered university
Helping the HR team manage a complex, multi- grievance, discrimination claim from a senior academic – providing advice on internal processes and acting in subsequent multiple tribunal proceedings
An overseas higher education provider
Guiding an overseas higher education provider looking to establish a campus in England through the process for registration with the Office for Students (OfS) including on the quality and consumer protection conditions of registration.
“Bettina and the team work as an extension of our in-house legal team – it’s just seamless.”
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